So as you’re getting into this new field of technology, and possibly a whole new career, believe me I know that you are going to run into small error after small error.
Part of the frustration is that you end up spending so much of your time trying to isolate errors. Tell you that I might be working on Project A and then end up spending hours working on process B just to get project A working! What an absolute waste of time.
So I’m going to give you a real quick tip
Don't mess around with anything above python 3.11.6
Much of what we’re doing as beginning AI engineers is that we’re Simply emulating what’s already been done before us. A lot of this is just setting up your system. With that in mind, the vast majority of stuff that you’re going to want to use.. Photo generations, the chat bot UI’s, the deep fake stuff, whatever… The bulk of it is made using older versions of python.
And here’s the temptation, to want to upgrade your new machine to the brand new shiny industry standard. That’s totally understandable. However, it’s not helpful.
Many of these errors, or "missing modules" will disappear once you're using the Python that the app was built with
You need to look at the stuff as not having the newest shiniest industry standard software on it, but rather a workstation that has all the tools you need to build. Think of it like a mechanic. A mechanic would sure, like the newest fancy dancey tech stuff, but a rusty hammer works as good as a shiny one. And sometimes you need a particular wrench. It’s the same here. You need to look at these apps as tools. The tool working and if it’s good enough then it’s all you need.
I would stick with Python 3.10.6
Then you can always load other Python version in a virtual environment as needed.
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