Learn to Use the Windows Terminal

If you’re going to be doing anything with AI you’re gonna be in the command terminal. Here’s some basic commands

Here’s a list of some of the most basic and commonly used commands in the Command Prompt (cmd) on Windows:

  1. cd (Change Directory): Changes the current directory. cd path\to\directory cd ..
  2. dir (Directory): Lists files and directories in the current directory. dir
  3. cls (Clear Screen): Clears the Command Prompt screen. cls
  4. copy: Copies files from one location to another. copy source_file destination
  5. move: Moves files from one location to another. move source_file destination
  6. del (Delete): Deletes one or more files. del filename
  7. rmdir or rd (Remove Directory): Removes a directory. rmdir directory_name rmdir /s /q directory_name # Remove a directory and all its contents
  8. mkdir or md (Make Directory): Creates a new directory. mkdir new_directory
  9. ren (Rename): Renames a file or directory. ren old_name new_name
  10. type: Displays the contents of a text file. type filename.txt
  11. echo: Displays messages or turns command echoing on or off. echo Hello, World! echo off echo on
  12. exit: Exits the Command Prompt. exit
  13. ping: Tests network connectivity to a specific host. ping hostname_or_ip
  14. ipconfig: Displays network configuration details. ipconfig ipconfig /all
  15. tasklist: Lists all running processes. tasklist
  16. taskkill: Kills a running process. taskkill /PID process_id taskkill /IM process_name
  17. chkdsk: Checks the file system and status of the system’s hard drives. chkdsk chkdsk /f # Fixes errors on the disk
  18. format: Formats a disk for use with Windows. format drive_letter: ***CAUTION***
  19. attrib: Displays or changes file attributes. attrib +r filename # Sets the read-only attribute attrib -r filename # Removes the read-only attribute
  20. netstat: Displays network statistics. netstat

These commands provide a solid foundation for basic file and system management tasks in the Command Prompt.

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