Install this PyTorch Code

This page is your golden ticket. Your ticket to getting past a ton of errors that I know you have been running up against.

First off, pip install torch is not necessarily your friend. Many of these apps that you’re going to try to install run off very specific torch versions, leading to dependency issues that ignite faster than a forest made of kindling. Pytorch, torchaudio, torch-lighting, ad nauseum…

The key is having the right torch version. I am going to save you hours by giving you this link:

  1. First off: Install CUDA 11.8 — DON’T bother with v.12 .. you dont need nor want it and it WILL cause problems.
  2. use Conda to avoide system pollution
    • If you don’t know –> read here
    • conda create --name <whatever>
  3. Follow the flow of
  4. Copy and paste the command that outputs under “run this command”.

Save it. Bookmark it. Tattoo it backwards on your forehead. Print it out and put it on the wall.

You will use this over, and over, and over again.

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